5 Best Adsense Alternative for website in 2023

In today’s digital world, owning a website has become a lucrative business opportunity. However, simply having a website is not enough to generate revenue. To monetize their website, website owners often rely on ad networks. Ad networks are platforms that connect advertisers with publishers, allowing publishers to display ads on their websites and earn revenue from clicks or impressions. One of the most popular ad networks is Google AdSense, which dominates the market. However, many website owners seek out alternatives to AdSense for a variety of reasons.

One of the main benefits of using an AdSense alternative is that it provides website owners with more control over the types of ads that are displayed on their website. This allows website owners to choose ads that are more relevant to their content and audience, which can lead to higher click-through rates and ultimately, more revenue. Additionally, AdSense alternatives often offer different ad formats and customization options, giving website owners more flexibility in how they display ads on their website. Finally, using an AdSense alternative can also provide website owners with a backup revenue stream in case their AdSense account is suspended or terminated for any reason.

There are several Adsense alternatives that are easy to get approval for and offer reliable ad placement options. Here are five of the best:

1. Media.net:

Best for websites with high-quality content and significant traffic in niches like finance, technology, and lifestyle.

This ad network is powered by Yahoo! and Bing and offers contextual ads that are highly relevant to the content on your website. Media.net is easy to get approved for and offers a variety of ad formats including display, native, and video ads.

2. AdThrive:

Best for high-traffic websites with premium content in niches such as food, DIY, and lifestyle.

AdThrive is a popular ad network that offers premium ad placements that are highly optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. They require a minimum of 100,000 monthly pageviews to apply, but once approved, they offer excellent revenue potential.

3. Propeller Ads: ( monetag Ads)

Best for websites with low traffic volume and niche content in categories like games, software, and entertainment.

Propeller Ads ( Now called monetag)offers a variety of ad formats including push notifications, pop-ups, and interstitial ads. They are easy to get approved for and offer competitive revenue sharing options.

4. Infolinks:

Best for websites with a focus on textual content, such as blogs and news sites, as well as those with traffic from mobile devices.

The in-text ads offered by Infolinks are highly relevant to the content on your website. Easy to integrate, they offer several customization options to match your website’s style.

5. Ezoic:

Best for websites that want to optimize ad revenue through AI-driven technology, particularly those with a low amount of traffic and content in niches such as technology, finance, and lifestyle.

Ezoic’s Access Now is a program designed to provide website owners with an accelerated approval process for the Ezoic platform. Access Now is available to website owners who meet certain eligibility criteria and can be used to gain approval for Ezoic’s ad network and platform in as little as 24 hours.

Ezoic’s platform offers a variety of ad formats including display, native, and video ads. The platform uses machine learning to analyze user behavior on the website and determine the best ad placements and layouts for maximum revenue potential. Additionally, Ezoic provides website owners with a variety of tools and features to manage their ad placements and revenue, including ad testing tools, revenue reporting, and audience insights.

Overall, Ezoic’s Access Now program can be a great option for website owners who want to gain approval for Ezoic’s platform quickly and easily. With its AI-driven platform and variety of tools and features, Ezoic can help website owners optimize their ad revenue potential and improve user experience on their website.


We recommend Ezoic, Propeller Ads Now called monetag , and Infolinks as viable Adsense alternatives for several reasons:

1. Ezoic offers an AI-driven platform that optimizes ad placement and content layout to maximize revenue for website owners. Ezoic’s platform can analyze user behavior on a website and determine the best ad placements and layouts for maximum revenue potential.

2. Propeller Ads, now known as monetag, offers push notifications, pop-ups, and interstitial ads. Easy approval and competitive revenue sharing options make them a good choice.

3. Infolinks offers in-text ads that are highly relevant to the content on a website. They are easy to integrate and offer a variety of customization options to match the look and feel of the website.

All three ad networks have different strengths and advantages that make them attractive Adsense alternatives in this article of 5 best Adsense Alternative for website . Ezoic offers advanced AI technology, Propeller Ads or monetag offers a variety of ad formats, and Infolinks offers highly relevant in-text ads. We recommend these ad networks based on their reputation, reliability, and overall potential for revenue generation.